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ITS is a locally and nationally recognized TDM consulting firm with extensive experience in the management, implementation and administration of regional rideshare programs.


ITS develops, manages and implements all modes of rideshare programs, including rail, transit and vanpool. This is ITS’ primary and only business focus and we take pride in what we have accomplished in the TDM industry.

ITS'  associates are highly trained in all fields of TDM. Their education, experience and professional credentials set ITS aside from other TDM firms, we are the experts in the field. We believe we have established a successful track record in the past 28 years, combining expertise with a high level of motivation to be a part of our client's successes.




  • Metro

  • Metrolink

  • City of Santa Monica

  • Riverside County Transportation Commission

  • San Bernardino County Transportation Authority

  • Orange County Transportation Authority

  • Ventura County Transportation Commission 

  • San Diego Associated Governments

  • City of Chula Vista

ITS also provides services to private clients

  • Whole Foods Markets

  • Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa


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  • Mission Inn Hotel & Spa


Project Experience


Mr. McCaughey founded ITS and has served in the capacity of Project Manager for all ITS’ contracts. 


Mr. McCaughey  (President of ITS) created the nation’s first direct financial incentive program, “Survive the Drive.” OCTA contracted with ITS to develop an incentive targeting solo commuters traveling westbound on State Route 91. Through this program, solo commuters earned $1.00 per day in Unocal gift certificates (for up to three months) for every day they commuted to work using a rideshare mode. 


RCTC contracted with ITS to develop a program similar to the OCTA “Survive the Drive” project, but broadened the parameters and increased the incentive to $2.00 per day. This incentive program, “Advantage Rideshare,” targeted western Riverside county resident commuters to encourage solo drivers to rideshare. 


SANBAG contracted with ITS to develop an incentive-based program for San Bernardino county resident commuters called “Option Rideshare.” This was also a $2.00 per day incentive program. ITS has been designing, implementing and administering RCTC and SANBAG respective rideshare programs since 1990. 


Metro approached ITS to develop a similar rideshare incentive program called, “Rideshare Rewards” and “Club Metro.” ITS trained Metro staff on all aspects of the implementation, data entry, policies and procedures, as well as tracking and administration of their rideshare incentive program. 


In 2001, RCTC/SANBAG contracted with ITS to conduct a nationwide search ridematching software. Multi-Systems (now owned by Trapeze) was the selected firm and named the system “RidePro.” ITS staff collaborated with Trapeze to customize key elements of the new software. Additionally, ITS provided oversight to RCTC for the research, evaluation, purchase and configuration of appropriate computer hardware and T-1 connections. Based on the success of these new software programs, Metro, OCTA and VCTC partnered with RCTC/SANBAG and transitioned to the RidePro system as well. 


SANDAG contracted with ITS to manage and administer their rideshare program, “RideLink.” ITS promoted and mplemented their Guaranteed Ride Home, $400/month vanpool subsidy, bike locker, and SchoolPool programs. Additionally, ITS provided personalized ridematching assistance to San Diego residents through SANDAG’s 511 service, managed their rideshare database (RidePro) and performed quality control over the production and packaging of RideGuides for their employer and school-based programs. 


In 2002, Atlanta’s Clean Air Campaign (CAC) engaged ITS to create a customized rideshare incentive program for their commuters. The program, titled “Cash for Commuters,” differed from previous incentive programs in that it was directly marketed to commuters (not through employers), and increased the typical $2 per day for sampling a new rideshare mode to $3 per day. ITS developed CAC’s entire rideshare incentive program and developed a customized software tracking program which is still in operation today. Since the program’s inception, CAC has motivated over 29,000 drive alone commuters to begin ridesharing. 


ITS entered into a five year contract with Metro to provide project management and oversight of their ridematching database (RidePro), AVR processing/calculations, including paper and electronic surveys, RideGuide production and quality control, Metro Rewards Incentive Program and ridematching assistance to Los Angeles county residents through Metro’s 511 or 323-GO-METRO lines. ITS also organizes and conducts monthly survey briefing seminars designed to train ETC’s on how to utilize Metro’s survey, AVR and RideGuide services. ITS won the separate competitive bid RFP process in 2010 and 2012 and provided these services through the end of April 2015. 


In 2006, OCTA entered into a four year contract with ITS to provide project management and oversight of their ridematching database, AVR processing/calculations, RideGuide production, quality control and call center service for all Orange County commuter calling 800-COMMUTE for rideshare assistance.  


In 2007, Metro retained ITS (for 2007, 2008 and 2009) to implement their annual "Bike to Work Week" promotion (BTWW). ITS was responsible for drafting sponsorship information, creating tiered levels of sponsorship, securing sponsors, securing sponsors to become pit stop coordinators and implementing a BTWW Kick-Off event for pit stop coordinators. ITS doubled the number of sponsors to 18, tripled the sponsorship donations to $52,300 and increased the Pit Stop Sponsors from 14 to 37.


ITS worked on a joint Caltrans grant with SANDAG and the Reservation Transportation Authority (RTA) to establish a Tribal Transportation Management Association (TTMA). RTA is a consortium of Southern California Tribal Governments. ITS conducted a 10 week TDM training of RTA/SANDAG staff, drafted the three year RTA TTMA Business Plan, assisted in the development of a marketing plan, marketing materials and TTMA branding. The goal of the grant is to facilitate the creation of the nation’s first tribal run TMA and securing members by targeting tribal enterprises in San Diego County in phase 1 and targeting tribal enterprises in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in phase 2. 


SANDAG hired ITS to research, develop and implement a carpool incentive program to motivatre new ridesharers, and a rewards program to recognize existing ridesharers. 


Metro amended the program support and outreach contract to include services to promote Metro’s A and B-TAP Programs to employers in Los Angeles county. This contract included two appointment setter positions to identify and target prospective employers, and schedule one-on-one meetings for senior account executives. In 2011, two senior account executive positions were added to promote, sell, process contracts and provide customer service for Employer Annual Pass Programs. 

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